
En blogg som till största delen används som ett verktyg för mig själv så att jag ska komma ihåg saker från min ungdom senare i livet. Historier, upplevelser och tankar är det jag mest kommer skriva om.

We Need To Stay Strong

Publicerad 2016-06-13 11:30:00 i Allmänt, Pride,

We need to stay strong.

TO My dear frinds and to future Oscar, remember this!

Never ever EVER hide who you are because of terrorists and stupid people. Stay PROUD of who you are and please show it to the world. What have happened now is unforgivable and it breaks my heart just thinking about it. I am at work all day today and it is really a struggle being happy and smiling to people because of this happening. My heart is truly broken and I just want to lay down and cry right now. I won´t because this is more reason for us to raise our voice, to raise our proud and to raise our love! NEVER HIDE WHO YOU ARE! LOVE IS LOVE! 

Today i made this post to my Facebook: 

"I have not been posting on Facebook for a very long time. I usually never do but I feel like this is the time to do it. 

So this shooting in Orlando I have to say, really really makes me so upset. I'm angry, I'm sad, I'm disappointed and I can feel the tears building up in my eyes just writing this post. I can't even imagine what the victims parents and close ones are going through right now and I do send all my love to them. I can't believe something like this is happening in 2016. Why are people so judging and non accepting of each other? This really is a tradegy.. Even though this post most probably won't make a difference for the victims of Orlando, I still wanted to show that I care and that this is something that truly breaks my heart. 

Love is Love and I really do hope that ‪#‎LoveWins‬ in the end ❤️💛💚💙"


Here are some pictures from Sthlm Pride 2014 because this is so important! 

U Nollendorfplatz BERLIN


Min profilbild

Oscar Hägerström

Hola. En kille född 95 som är uppvuxen i Jönköping. Är spontan, påhittig och outrageous. Följ min blogg så får du se vad jag sysslar med. OBS! Diverse bra tips och erfarenheter utlovas. Baiii

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